Seigaku | Fudomine | St. Rudolph | ||
Yamabuki | Hyotei | Rokkaku | ||
Rikkai | Higa | Shitenhoji |
An Osakan school whose motto is, "The first one who laughs, wins!", the tennis team also lacks seriousness with some members bringing humor into their gameplay as well.
Also known as Shitenhouji (四天宝寺 Shitenhōji), this page archives a list of Shitenhoji characters as well as the actors that portrayed them.
Shiraishi Kuranosuke
The captain of Shitenhoji, Kuranosuke Shiraishi (白石蔵ノ介 Shiraishi Kuranosuke) along with his mysteriously bandaged arm wields complete command over his team. Though he's generally a pretty goofy guy himself, he stresses simplistic tennis, or what he calls 'Bible Tennis', which he carefully mastered as a way to conserve his movements and therefore become stamina-efficient.
Chitose Senri
A laidback third-year Shitenhoji member that's opened one of Muga no Kyochi's three doors, the Pinnacle of Wisdom. Senri Chitose 's (千歳千里 Chitose Senri) a close friend of his previous schoolmate, Tachibana Kippei.
Konjiki Koharu
Presumably either extremely flamboyant, gay, or metrosexual, Koharu Konjiki's (金色小春 Konjiki Koharu) questionable antics mask his amazing IQ said to be at least 200.
Hitouji Yuuji
Yuuji Hitouji's (一氏ユウジ Hitouji Yuuji) mimicry specializes in copying the habits, voice, and moves of his opponent and he's usually seen with a red ribbon tied around his forehead or eyes. It's a high possbility that he is (or was at one point) in a romantic relationship with Koharu.
Oshitari Kenya
Self-naming himself as 'Naniwa [Osaka]'s Speed Star', Kenya Oshitari (忍足謙也 Oshitari Kenya) prizes his speed as his greatest characteristic. Interestingly enough, he's the cousin of Hyotei's Oshitari Yuushi.
Ishida Gin
Gin Ishida (石田銀 Ishida Gin) is the older brother of Fudomine tennis member Ishida Tetsu. His calm nature and significantly bald head may allude to Osaka's famous temples and monks that reside within them. In tennis he uses 108 levels of Hadoukyuu, each one a stronger than its previous level. Additionally, Ishida's able to neutralize them as well.
Zaizen Hikaru
The mysterious tensai of Shitenhoji, he's never seen playing in an official match within the anime or manga. Hikaru Zaizen's (財前 光 Zaizen Hikaru) the only second-year of the team and is usually seen firing snarky remarks or teased by his upperclassmen.
Tooyama Kintarou
In contrast to Echizen Ryoma, Kintarou Tooyama's (遠山 金太郎 Tōyama Kintarō) considered the 'Rookie of the West' due to his superb tennis record and his geographical location. His energetic, naive nature fuels his personality as well as his love for tennis, making him a candidate for The Pinnacle of Perfection.
Watanabe Osamu
Osamu Watanabe (渡邊 修 Watanabe Osamu) is the adviser of the Shitenhoji tennis club. He puts great trust on Shiraishi to keep the tennis team in top shape while keeping to the school's motto of lighthearted fun. Relaxed and gung-ho, Watanabe treats his players with noodles and kokeshi dolls, usually to their distress. His character is exclusively seen in the second season of TeniMyu.