Encore! ~ F・G・K・S /On My Way ~ is a special collector's DVD that was released on February 28, 2010.
In this, selected TeniMyu cast members along with Ueshima Yukio (director/choreographer) teach a step-by-step guide on the dancing involved in both performances. Commentary and additional backstage clips are provided.
- Ueshima Yukio [上島雪夫]
- Takahashi Ryuki [高橋龍輝] (Seigaku 5th's Echizen Ryoma)
- Baba Ryoma [馬場良馬] (Seigaku 5th's Tezuka Kunimitsu)
- Kanesaki Kentarou [兼崎健太郎] (Rikkai's Sanada Genichirou)
- Nakagauchi Masataka [中河内雅貴] (Rikkai's Niou Masaharu)
- Sasaki Yoshihide [佐々木喜英] (ShitenB's Shiraishi Kuranosuke)