About the picture switching code
It looks like the code that allows people to switch between the Tenimyu and OOC pics of actors is broken or not compatible with the recent Wikia updates. If anyone sees a similar, functional toggle feature on another wikia it'd be great if you could tell me. Once I find a working code I'll be sure to replace the old one asap.
Sad news~
A couple weeks ago my external hard drive that contained all my musical files (performances, pictures, all of it) died out on me and I never took the opportunity to back them up...so they're gone for good. :/ But I'm not extremely upset because I've grown out of TeniMyu these past months and it's probably for the better if someone took care of this wikia for me.
It's been really great working on this wikia because I've gotten to learn a lot about coding and web design through this and I hope whoever takes care of this wikia after me has an amazing experience as well! As for now I'll update when there's new musicals, events, soundtracks, or actors. Everything else will have to wait until someone else is willing to help with the wiki…
happy holidays ~ merry christmasss
A mini-update going on:
- Actor profile pictures as well as side pictures are now going to be resized from 225-235px to 275px to accomodate the new wikia layout (which made the info area significantly larger). Why I'm not going to 300px is mainly because probably half of the photos were already small enough to begin with...and would look disasterous if resized too much!
- Actors and song titles will be accompanied by italicized romaji of the names if applicable (e.g. Koji Seto as Seto Kōji). Why am I doing this? I thought it would....make the wikia a bit more professional *weeps* but also it would make sense to put the romaji since there's generally various ways to writing the names. Hirata Yuuichirou? Hirata Yuichirou? Hirata Yuuichiro? Hirata Y…
long time no post
Yes, the discography page is dead but it's not abandoned! I think a lot of the laziness comes from not wanting to code, but if anyone can pick up the page for me that would be really greattttttttttt
Stay tuned until then, but for now I'm doing minor edits to pages. Don't expect any massive changes until a couple months into next year~
it'd be nice to find more people that have good manners orz
updates so far:
- How about this new Shitenhoji layout? Is it easy on the eyes? I tried to find a balance of green and yellow without making it too bright and overwhelming, hence the sandy wallpaper. As for the pink-red top to make the wikia look like a watermelon...hmm...I thought Shitenhoji had a very summer feel to them so why not? Hahaha
- The Discography page is doing pretty well, though I might take another month or two to finish it.
- Musical pages are getting their soundtracks integrated into them! It'll be under the regular information in a tabber. On tablets/phones it'll look like a link, but at least it's noticeable now!
- Updating profiles - this mainly being making the profile pic…
Things I need to keep slapping myself with before I start crying more at my procrastination:
- Finishing the new Shitenhoji cast member profiles (cute members, huh?) and making sure ShitenB profiles are updated so that people know there's finally people succeeding them
- Working on the Shitenhoji wikia theme and hopefully posting it after the Nationals Hyotei performances end...which is when again?
- possibly crying over the many song pages because I had this idea of linking all the album covers to the soundtrack pages but yes that will take a couple thousand years please bear with me
school is amazing so far but it comes with it's own undesirable side effects
i really wish I had more time to work on this…
month update
did you knowww.... that if you go onto a cast's category (e.g. Seigaku 4th) you'll have a complete list of that generation's actors as well as tagged pictures of its various members? the more you know!
ah, actually i'm really sorry to leave the wikia every once in a while as well as trying out various wallpapers. i hoped that one of them would scream 'hyotei!' and work perfectly for the wikia but so far it's been a lot of orz-ing with fails. my apologies!
i added a new row to the actors infoboxes called 'romaji', basically the actor's name in romaji! so even though a page might be labeled as 'Seto Koji' it seems more professional to write his name as 'Seto Kōji'. the reason why it isn't written like that as the page title is because not ever…
regarding the washimi ryo page
the wikia spam block isn't allowing me to insert the link to his agency profile on here, so you'll have to find it via his japanese wikipedia page or by looking up his name online!
sorry about the inconvenience
Bran bran626 (talk) 11:03, July 19, 2013 (UTC)
happy fourth!
to anyone who's celebrating the fourth! stay safe tonight from wild partying and dangerously conducted fireworks, yes yes
i'm so sorry for not even getting close to finishing the generations page or even updating the wikia as much as i'm used to, that being because life with the family has taken more priority in these recent weeks. hopefully i'll finish it by the end of this month?
also i really hope that this wikia's still serving its purpose because views are dwindling and i don't know if that's because there's not a strong reason to come to this wikia, there's insufficient information, or what, but please do give feedback if you have uncertainties about the way this wikia's being conducted. also keep in mind that more edits, information, …
weird logo
please deal with it for now, hahahaha
i bring good news! so every wikia has a score nowadays called the 'WAM Score' aka Wikia Activity Monitor Score. i don't really know how it works, but basically it's a system that ranks wikias based on content/visits/whatever. anyway! we're usually in the mid-2000s in rank and at one point we reached 2064 out of all the wikias out there! that is like. what. we're beating thousands of other wikias! what! no way! thanks for visiting the wikia and even for the smallest changes because each one does make the wikia better and more accurate. it's really wonderful to know that nowadays on average 5,200+ people visit per week to check on the wikia's contents, because unless you're a christian disciple of Jesus o…
Yeah? What about the link to the TeniMyu official blog?
Actually if you take careful notice of the sidebar, it actually has a list of all the second season TeniMyu actors' blogs! It's absolutely useful if you need a quick run down of all their blogs.
If you need the romaji of their names, it's usually in their blog's url which is a win...for me...who still doesn't know any Japanese...
Please take the chance to look through some of them because chances are that maybe you'll grow to love an actor you didn't take much notice of before! Once I finish the rest of the profiles (only Fudomine/Rokkaku 2nd left, omg), I'll probably start hunting down everyones' blogs and post a list of them. Also, I'll take that chance t…
Oh so the background layout
Hi, yes, hi,
I made it...but it looks like something from a generic wallpaper site. Jeez, I was going for a background that would compliment Seigaku and Hyotei's colors for the upcoming musical but whatever ah ah
Ah it was my dad's birthday today so I couldn't work the the wikia today! My apologies!
So far (though I'm not sure) I think at least 50% of the actor pages were created? Furthering this, with the exception of the Best Actors Series CD collection, all of the songs have their own page! Each...and...every.... wow, there's been so much progress on this wikia, it's really astounding.
I really wish I had a screenshot of the initial wikia before the custom css/js/theme/templates were implemented because it's changed so much. As in! Think about actor pages without a summary box and organized information, all within a musky green layout. Ahuhuhuhu...I love the original admin for the fact that he founded the Wikia, created tags specific to the casts …
Sorry that I get so distracted...
I keep trying to stay with my goals and yet I keep making new ones because there's always some new idea I get or there's some new templates I found that would really make the wikia look better (did you see the Seigaku profile boxes yet?! Ahh...!!!). But that's the thing I'm worried about: a lot of active wikias have these projects in which groups of contributors work on various sections of the wikia to organize them and it's a really lovely, thoughtout plan...
But so far it's generally still myself working on new pages and whatnot so it wouldn't be much of a group project in the end... That's alright, because the fact that there are people who come again and again to comment on articles, keep track of the validity of actor websites and fact…
Goals, Goals
First off, some goals I've accomplished!
- New layout
- Agency summaries (not quite complete, but started)
- Media DVDs
- New templates = better visuals
- Removed most of the ugly on the landing page
Unfinished goals
- Romaji-ing the filmographies of the profiles (this might stay unfinished for about ten or so years)
- BuriMyu page? I don't know if I want to do that still
- Making descriptions that are more user-friendly
- Trivia
- Character profiles are still empty
New goals
- Removing codes so source modes are more readable
- Getting more performance pictures
I can't believe my break's more than halfway over, and despite all my determination to work on the wikia more I've instead just done a lot of vacationing outside the internet. Because of that there's been little progress…
There's a lot of things I still want to do, and many of them are within my previous blog posts. But something I want to do that's not on there is making the profiles/performance descriptions more user-friendly to those who don't know anything about the characters/plots/tennis moves and whatnot that many fans derive because they've seen the anime and/or manga. But at the same time that's going to take so much time, especially if I'm going to have to write paragraphs for each performance (probably over twenty by now).
Another thing is to translate the theatrical/media filmography on many actors' profiles. I've been lazy and c+v-ing info from their Japanese Wikipedias. But when I said I was going to get pummeled by schoolwork I wasn't kidding.…
Okay...so I'm starting to like the second season...
It's probably thanks to Hiramaki Jin and the person who plays Fuji Shusuke. I finally made progress on the Wikia! Of course it's still way from far being complete, but these new images and pages make it look a lot cleaner and fresh. Tears are welling up, I'm so proud of this. And of course, there's more people on here?! I'm gone for an hour and the poll total shoots up from ten to thirty-four! Who's hacking the wikia? Hahaha
Here's some plans I still have for the wikia:
- Continuing the beautification project
- Making the BuriMyu page, but maybe some for agencies? For some odd reason lots of TeniMyu actors tend to come from the same agencies e.g. D-BOYS like can someone explain
- Get more trivia for actor pages. May help explain why people call Hira…
I'm Glad That I Got Rights and All
But life strikes right when I have the time to do edits and I actually might be making very little progress for the next month or so. I'm so sorry!
Plans during free time:
- Finish the navigation header
- Implement previous/next actor and previous/next performance templates
- Beautification project on the layout. This is a priority but it's also the most stressful one, so this might take a while.
- Retire the slider on the main page in favor for better image-links (maybe like horizontal rows. look really cool, i don't know)
Also, for anyone who's interested in the Teni-BuriMyu actor relations, here's my list:
- Nagayama Takashi (1st Gen Kikumaru Eiji) == Tōshirō Hitsugaya
- Tsuchiya Yuichi (1st Gen Oishi Shuichiro) == Ichimaru Gin
- Eiki Kitamura (Part 1st Gen K…
Post-Admin Plans
If I ever do become admin of this wikia, here's some goals I have in mind:
- Definitely, definitely change the layout. I'm absolutely done cringing at the green default background. Especially since Tenimyu is such a modern musical in terms of its technology, interaction, and overall style, it surely needs a wikia that's equally pleasing visually.
- But more than the broad change of colors, I'm hoping to try out various templates. There's so many interactive ones that could ease the wikia experience on here. One of the many templates I found was a 'previous x; later x' template, which could help organize the performances chronologically within the performance pages themselves. That way people don't have to feverishly go back and forth between tab…